Thursday 24 March 2011

Father and daughter expect child together

Father and daughter expect child together
© Kim Ruoff -
A woman who tracked down her long-lost father in the US is now pregnant with his child.
Garry Ryan, 46, was discoverd by his long lost daughter Penny Lawrence, 28, last year. He had left Ms Lawrence's mother when she was pregnant, and the two had never met.
Following the death of her mother and the grandparents who raised her, Ms Lawrence became obsessed with finding her father, and did so last year.
Upon meeting, they felt an instant physical attraction, which resulted in a sexual relationship. Ms Lawrence is now pregnant with her father's child.
The couple claim that their attraction is the result of something called Genetic Sexual Attraction, a term coined in the 1980s to describe overwhelming feelings between blood relatives who first meet as adults.
Speaking with The Sun newspaper, Ms Lancaster said: "We are not committing incest, but are victims of GSA. We’ve never experienced a father-daughter relationship, so we’re just like any other strangers who meet in adulthood."
The couple said that if the three month scan of their baby shows it does not have birth defects, they plan to keep the child and raise it together.
The couple are aware that their relationship is illegal, and are afraid the law will be used to separate them.
Several theories surround the phenomenon of GSA, including the notion that humans are frequently attracted to faces similar to their own.
It also embraces the theory that if two people who are genetically related do not meet until adulthood, the normal sexual aversion that develops between siblings during childhood is somehow switched off.
Indeed, GSA can affect parents separated from their own children at birth, as well as siblings. It does not refer to a genetic sexual attraction, but to the fact that people are genetically connected.
The emotions that the GSA engenders are reportedly intense and all consuming, leading those affected by it to act against their interest to pursue a relationship with their relative.
There have been cases of mothers and sons, and long lost brothers becoming intimate under the compulsion of GSA.
The situation is reported to be quite common in reunions between adoptees.
The term GSA was coined in the 1980s by Barbara Gonyo after reuniting with the son she had given up for adoption.
Upon reuniting with him 26 years later, she was horrified to discover that she had feelings for him akin to those of a lover, rather than a mother. She investigated her own feelings about her son and wrote a book in which she coined the phrase Genetic Sexual Attraction.


Its not yet weekend but it seems i wanna stay at home whole day. Cuddling my pillow while listening soothing music from my favorite radio station. Oh what a life! Why is it nice to become couch potato when its cold? The weather makes me weak and lazy to do my stuff. I don't have the drive to finish my week-long financial reports. Oh, i need some inspiration then. I remember seeing Mario Lopez in etc channel on his Extra Extra TV program. I love his dimples, the perfect chiseled muscles and chin and gosh! his enigmatic smiles make me down on my knees. I lust Mario Lopez!

So much for the obsession, as i watched last night's episode, Chris Brown hit it again. Slamming a window and yelling out loud after the interview on Good Morning America. He got furious about the question thrown at him by host Robin Roberts.  This was about his domestic violence with Rihanna that happened 2 years ago. Why he should be furious when it was already a history. Does it mean he had not moved on? Or still guilty for what he did since he was the culprit. Or simply he is a bit of immature who can handle things when he is already cornered.

His tantrums lead him to nowhere or somewhere. After the Rihanna accident, his has a career backslide. His previous album was a flop. and he might be charge of criminal acts after he broke the window, the broken glass might injured the passers of the building. But like i said, its a blessing or a disgrace. People talk about the incident thus consequently, he has more exposure on the internet as well as on tv. The more we talk about him, the more people get interested on him and more he become popular. And so his album's popularity will follow. It is a nice strategy though.Chris Brown knew before hand about the questions. And he approved it. He never change any of them and so why react afterward when you yourself know the things that will be thrown out to you? it does not make sense actually.

Nowadays, celebrities become popular not because they are prim and proper. Being stiff, tactless and reckless add points too. In every action, once can get equal and opposite reaction. The more people react, the more the topic become hot. And people bite the topic while its hot. Instantly, one become the talk of the town. Search you in every website and ardently wait for any news that is associated to you.

Well, i suppose not all aspiring star will follow this trend nowadays. One can be a star because of the the talents and determination he/she has and not because his/her name is associated with some bad write ups and criticisms as well as scandals because of misdemeanor. You do not need to misbehave just to be a star.

Monday 21 March 2011

5 Ways to Cheat Death

As i read the headlines on yahoo news, i came across the article on about 5 WAYS TO CHEAT DEATH. Is it for real?  I thought its only exam that one can be prompted to cheat or a hopeless relationship that is boring can lead to one's cheating and betrayal. Funny, but the writer might have some point though. Let's see. Let me dissect the article to understand the ideas that it conveys. Accordingly, to cheat death one should be:

It means that someone should live in higher altitude so as to avoid coronary heart disease. The more exposure to UV rays the more the Vitamin D will be synthesize in our body. Lack of Vitamin D leads to bone disorder  and heart disease.  I noticed that some foreigners (those who are not filipino) love sun-bathing. But too much exposure to sun can damage your skin and can lead to other disorders. UV rays have damaging effects. That is why Sunblock products that range from spf 10-80 being advertised anywhere in this world so as not to damage our skin. Our ozone layer is already thin unless there will be 100  volcanic eruptions so that the ash will cover up the thinning layer. So sun exposure is not really advisable.

2. Make Relationships Last"Social support is linked to better immune functioning," says study author Julianne Holt- Lunstad, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at Brigham Young. I do agree with her. Personal relationship invokes your disposition in life. If you have bad relationship consequently it colors your perception about your life. The clouded and crowded your perceptions are, the more stress you will become.
And remember, stress is one of the contributing factors of different diseases.

Brush Your Teeth
I really don't know why brushing teeth is a way to cheat death. Quite confusing. Well anyway, simple rationale. Our mouth is one of the the outlets and inlets of good and bad bacteria.  If we seldom brush our teeth, there will be bacteria build-ups that can affect our tonsils.  Out throat is near to our esophagus and heart. The bacteria can damage the next prospect organs.  And once the heart will be damaged, then eventually it can lead to our death. If you experienced tonsillitis 3x a year, the doctor will advise you to have it remove through surgery so as to protect the heart which will be the next target of bacteria build up.

4. Breathe Clean Air
Oh, i wish my nose has the ability to filter clean and unclean air. With the pollution all over the world, there is only a slim chance to breath fresh clean air.

5. Accept Your Age
Lol! Growing old is just a state of mind. The more you think that you are still you, the less disappointed you are.
I guess, the reasons here are not to cheat death but to accept it. The more we accept it, the more we are prepared. Preparation means that
we are ready to think about death. There shouldn't be sense of denial. The more we are open about death, the more we are going to enjoy life.